
New Erasmus+ project: UNIFORS. Kick-off meeting

Last week, project staff attended the launch meeting of a new Erasmus + project in Olsztyn (Poland).

UNIversities for Future wORk Skills 2020 – UNIFORS 2020 (2018-1-PL01-KA203-050809) brings together a strong partnership (5 universities from Poland, Romania, Belgium, Spain and Portugal and two SMEs one from Spain and one from Greece) aiming to increase students chances for a faster and better insertion on the labor market by improving their soft skills.  The project will investigate employers, students and teaching staff perspective on specific soft skills gap and collect existing best practices in the field at EU level.

This project will run for 30 months and has a main objective to increase quality of soft skill training at both European and International level in order to foster employability of recent graduates, by implementing a soft skills blended program for graduates in 5 European universities.

For more information visit the project webpage: //

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En noviembre iniciamos nuevos cursos gratuitos. ¡No te los pierdas!

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Pasos para combatir el estrés laboral

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